Huntsville Dentist Answers Frequently Asked Questions

dentistAs your Huntsville dentist, I answer a large number of questions during regular dental checkups and exams. I am happy to answer any questions a patient has since the answers can help fuel the patient's interest in oral health. The more you know about your teeth and gums, the easier it will be to keep them in good health. I encourage you to call the office and schedule an appointment for your own exam. In the meantime, here are answers to some of these frequently asked questions.

How often should I buy a new toothbrush?

I recommend that you change out your toothbrush every three months. However, if you notice that your toothbrush smells funny, looks stained, or the bristles are fraying, you should throw it away and buy a new one. Another reason to buy a new toothbrush is if you have been really sick. Brushing with the same toothbrush will only put germs back into your mouth.

What kind of toothbrush should I buy?

It is best to purchase an electronic or battery-powered toothbrush if you are able to choose since they will provide you with the cleanest teeth. Otherwise, I suggest a soft toothbrush. The enamel on your teeth can easily break down if you use a hard toothbrush or brush too aggressively. Using a soft toothbrush will clean your teeth in a safe manner.

How often should I floss?

As a dentist, I recommend that you floss your teeth on a daily basis. Flossing is the most important thing you can do at home to prevent gum disease. You need to be sure to floss all the way down so that you can remove the plaque from between your teeth and gums.

Why do I need to visit the dentist regularly?

No matter how hard you try to keep your teeth clean, there will be areas inside of your mouth where plaque and tartar become trapped. When you receive a professional teeth cleaning, we can remove any plaque and tartar to significantly lower the chances of you developing a cavity or gum disease. Additionally, these visits allow us to identify any oral health problems while they are small and before they cause you any discomfort.

Are root canals uncomfortable?

Not with the right dentist and the right medication. We complete root canals quickly and efficiently in our office after numbing the area to help you relax. You will feel some pressure but any discomfort will be minimal. A root canal is an important procedure that has gotten a bad reputation, primarily because of how the tooth feels when it is infected, before treatment. You will feel pain when the tooth is still infected opposed to after a root canal. After the procedure, your tooth may be sensitive for a few days but that can easily be controlled with medication.

Does teeth whitening really work?

Yes, teeth whitening works incredibly well. We can whiten your teeth in our dentist office to remove surface stains and deep discoloration. With professional teeth whitening, we can help your beautiful smile shine through.

If you have more questions, call and schedule an appointment with our Huntsville dentist office.

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