7 Healthy Foods for Your Teeth

TeethDo you ever think about whether or not the foods you are choosing to eat are good for your teeth? While most of us choose to eat the foods we love because they excite our taste buds, there are certain foods you should be eating because they are beneficial to your teeth. Think about it. Most of us take anywhere between 30 and 60 minutes to eat our meals.

This is a lot of time for the foods you consume to be in contact with your teeth. Your food choices are going to determine the impact on your teeth every single time you eat. When you choose foods that are healthy for your teeth and gums, you are being proactive when it comes to your overall dental health.

Do your eating habits support a healthy mouth? Choosing to eat healthy foods is not only good for your teeth, it is essential to your overall health too.

7 Healthy Foods for your teeth

The following are seven healthy foods that everyone should try to incorporate into their everyday eating habits for strong and healthy teeth. For the most part, staying away from foods that are high in sugars is recommended.

1. Cranberries

New research tells us that cranberries can help stop bacteria from sticking to the teeth as well as help stop new plaque formation.

2. Cheese, yogurt or milk

These items reduce the amount of acids in the mouth and help to restore enamel.

3. Apples, aka nature's toothbrush

Apples are a crunchy food that clean the teeth and increase saliva flow, while also stimulating the gums.

4. Carrots

Carrots are a crunchy food that cleans the teeth and increases saliva flow. Carrots also stimulate the gums and are high in vitamin A.

5. Celery

Celery is a crunchy food that cleans the teeth and increases saliva flow.  Celery also stimulates the gums and is high in vitamin A.

6. Raw onion

Raw onion includes powerful anti-bacterial properties.

7. Leafy greens

Leafy greens are high in calcium, folic acid and offer vitamin B benefits.

General foods to avoid because they can cause damage to the teeth include lemons, oranges, hard candy, chewy candy, pickles, carbonated drinks, sugary sports drinks, wine, coffee, tea and hard crackers.

Got healthy foods questions?

We have the answers. We would love to hear from you if you have any questions about the types of foods that are best for your teeth. You just may be surprised at some of the food options that are often not recommended even though they may seem healthy, like almonds, dried fruit, citrus fruits and red wine. The fact that most people eat at least three square meals a day truly makes it essential for people to make the best food choices. These food choices have a direct impact on oral as well as overall health.

Call Angela S. Fennell DMD, PC now at (256) 660-3089 with any food related questions you may have. Our team of professionals is more than willing and ready to take your call!

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