Visit a Dentist in Huntsville for Bruxism Treatments and Relief from Pain

Bruxism TreatmentsWe can provide patients with bruxism treatments to address any pain or discomfort as a result of grinding one's teeth at night. Nighttime teeth grinding is actually fairly common, even though there is not a single and consistent cause for teeth grinding; also known as bruxism. Patients may grind their teeth at night during seasons of high stress. If you are stressed, anxious, worried about life or things at work, you may take it out by grinding your teeth while sleeping.

Even if you do not necessarily grind your teeth, you may clench them tightly like you clench your fists. Anytime that you are forcing a muscle to remain in a tight and clenched position, that muscle is going to be sore and you will experience pain the following day. The same idea applies to the muscles in your face and jaw.

What Bruxism Treatments Entail

One of the best ways to prevent soreness in your face, jaw, head and neck, is to prevent the upper and lower teeth from touching at night. If we can prevent the teeth from touching, we can eliminate the likelihood of an individual grinding or clenching, his or her teeth at night. Thus, the jaw is forced into a relaxed position while asleep. As the muscles remain in a relaxed state, the chances of the patient experiencing any discomfort are slim.

We use a non-invasive treatment method, primarily giving the patient a customized nightguard to wear during sleep. Upon visiting our office, we can examine the patient's teeth, identify signs of bruxism and then take measurements in order to fit the guard. We will then create the guard in a lab, specific to the patient's exact measurements. The exact measurements are necessary for ensuring that the guard will remain in place during sleep. Most of our patients find that the guards are incredibly easy to wear and fairly convenient as well. Since they are customized for the patient's mouth, the patient will be able to sleep comfortably without any issues or concerns.

By simply wearing it on a nightly basis, you should begin to experience relief from discomfort and pain.

We may also suggest that you take certain steps like gently massaging your jaw area, applying a warm compress when you are particularly sore, or using ibuprofen as necessary. These steps should be taken in addition to wearing the guard but are typically only necessary at the beginning. The more you wear your nightguard, the more relaxed your muscles and jaw will become and the more comfortable you will be.

Visit Us for Relief

Stop living with jaw or teeth pain caused by nighttime teeth grinding. Our Huntsville dental office can help you to feel better by providing you with bruxism treatments that deliver ongoing relief. Given how easy, affordable and convenient our treatment option is, there is no need to delay or put it off. Call us today at (256) 660-3089 to schedule your appointment.

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